IBM Endpoint Manager Inspectors Reference


Win: Windows
Lin: Red Hat and SUSE Linux
Sol: SUN Solaris
HPUX: Hewlett-Packard UNIX version
Mac: Apple Macintosh
Ubu: Ubuntu/Debian
WM: Windows Mobile

The version (e.g. Lin:8.1) corresponds to the version of the IEM product (8.1) in which the inspector was introduced in the client on that platform.
The version number is not shown if it is less than 8.0.



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IBM Endpoint Manager wiki

Formatting Objects

These Inspectors make it easy for you to format HTML statements.


This type helps you to author HTML commands to create customized content for the BigFix Console and Web Reports. They allow construction of HTML snippets that can be used to display BigFix data elements in a browser.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<string> as htmlCasts a string into html.

"<p>hello</p>" as html - Note that this will convert special characters, which may not be what you want. This example returns &lt;p&gt;hello&lt;/p&gt;.
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
abbr <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in an <abbr> tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
abbr of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in an <abbr> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
acronym <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in an <acronym> tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
acronym of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in an <acronym> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
address <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in an <address> tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
address of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in an <address> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
anchor <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in an <a> tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
anchor of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in an <a> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
b <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <b> tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
b of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <b> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
base <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <base> tag modified by the first given string.

head of (base "href='html://www.mybaseurl/'" of "") - Returns <head><base='html://www.mybaseurl/'></base></head> .
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
base of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <base> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
big <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <big> tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
big of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <big> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
blockquote <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <blockquote> tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
blockquote of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <blockquote> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
body <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <body> tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
body of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <body> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
caption <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <caption> tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
caption of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <caption> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
cite <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <cite> (citation) tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
cite of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <cite> (citation) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
code <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <code> (fixed-width font) tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
code of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <code> (fixed-width font) tag.

code of "print 'hello world'" - Returns <code>print 'hello world'</code>, which will display the contents in a fixed-width font such as courier.
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
col <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <col> (column) tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
col of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <col> (column) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
colgroup <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <colgroup> (column group) tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
colgroup of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <colgroup> (column group) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
concatenation <html> of <string>This inspector concatenates the string items in the second argument with a separator defined by the first argument.

concatenation ( html "<br>" ) of names of bes fixlets - Returns a list of Fixlet names separated by line breaks: BES Clients in Seat Count Grace Mode<br>BES Clients Restricted by Seat Count....
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
dd <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <dd> (definition) tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
dd of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <dd> (definition) tag.

dt of "salt" & dd of "NaCl" - Returns <dt>salt</dt><dd>NaCl</dd>.
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
definition list <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <dl> (definition) tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
definition list of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <dl> (definition) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
del <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <del> tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
del of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <del> tag.

del of "old" & "new" - Returns <del>old</del>new, which will render "old" in a strikethrough font.
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
dfn <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <dfn> (definition) tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
dfn of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <dfn> (definition) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
div <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <div> (division or section) tag modified by the first given string.

div "style='color:#AABBCC;'" of "hello" - Returns <div style='color:#AABBCC;'>hello</div>.
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
div of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <div> (division or section) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
dt <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <dt> (definition) tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
dt of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <dt> (definition) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
em <string> of <string>Emphasize the specified string inside an <em string></em> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
em of <string>Emphasize the specified string inside an <em></em> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
h1 <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in an <h1> (header) tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
h1 of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in an <h1> (header) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
h2 <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in an <h2> (header) tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
h2 of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in an <h2> (header) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
h3 <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in an <h3> (header) tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
h3 of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in an <h3> (header) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
h4 <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in an <h4> (header) tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
h4 of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in an <h4> (header) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
h5 <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in an <h5> (header) tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
h5 of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in an <h5> (header) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
h6 <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in an <h6> (header) tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
h6 of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in an <h6> (header) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
head <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <head> tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
head of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <head> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
html <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <html> tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
html of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in an <html> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
html tag <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the second string enclosed in a tag specified by the first string.

html tag "i" of "italic string" - Returns <i>italic string</i>.
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
ins <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <ins> (insert) tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
ins of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <ins> (insert) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
italic <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <i> tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
italic of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <i> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
kbd <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <kbd> (keyboard entry) tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
kbd of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <kbd> (keyboard entry) tag.

"type" & kbd of " hello " & "into the box" - Returns type<kbd> hello </kbd>into the box.
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
li <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <li> (list) tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
li of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <li> (list) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
link <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <link> tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
link of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <link> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
meta <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <meta> tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
meta of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <meta> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
ol <string> of <string>Creates an ordered list out of <string2> with an optional style specified by <string1>.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
ol of <string>Creates an ordered list out of the <string>.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
ordered list <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in an <ol><li> tag, where the <ol> tag is modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
ordered list of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in an <ol><li> tag.

ordered list of "item 1" - Returns <ol><li>item 1</li></ol>.
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
p <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in an <p> tag modified by the first given string.

p "align='center'" of "hello" - Returns <p align='center'>hello</p>.
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
p of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in an <p> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
pre <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in an <pre> (preformatted) tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
pre of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in an <pre> (preformatted) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
q <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <q> (quotation) tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
q of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <q> (quotation) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
samp <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <samp> (sample) tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
samp of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <samp> (sample) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
small <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <small> tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
small of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <small> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
span <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <span> tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
span of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <span> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
strong <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <strong> tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
strong of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <strong> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
sub <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <sub> (subscript) tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
sub of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <sub> (subscript) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
sup <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <sup> (superscript) tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
sup of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <sup> (superscript) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
table <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <table> tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
table of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <table> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
tbody <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <tbody> tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
tbody of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <tbody> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
td <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <td> (table cell) tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
td of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <td> (table cell) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
tfoot <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <tfoot> (table foot) tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
tfoot of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <tfoot> (table foot) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
th <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <th> (table header) tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
th of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <th> (table header) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
thead <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <thead> (table header) tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
thead of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <thead> (table header) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
title <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <title> tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
title of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <title> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
tr <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <tr> (table row) tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
tr of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <tr> (table row) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
tt <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <tt> (teletype font) tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
tt of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <tt> (teletype font) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
ul <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <ul> (unordered list) tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
ul of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <ul> (unordered list) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
unordered list <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <ul><li> (unordered list item) tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
unordered list of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <ul><li> (unordered list item) tag.

unordered list of "item 1" - <ul><li>item 1</li></ul>.
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
var <string> of <string>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified string enclosed in a <var> (variable type) tag modified by the first given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
var of <string>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified string enclosed in a <var> (variable type) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
<html> & <string>Concatenates a string with an HTML file, returning a new HTML file.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
<string> & <html>Concatenates a string with an HTML file, returning a new HTML file.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
brCreates an HTML <br/> tag to output a line break.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
br <string>Creates an HTML <br/> tag with an included modifier, such as class.

br "class='clear'" - Returns <br class='clear'/>.
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
hrCreates a horizontal line tag <hr/>.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
hr <string>Creates a horizontal line tag with an option specfied by the string <hr string/>.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
html <string>Embeds the specified string between <html></html> tags.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
html tag <( string, html )>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in an html tag specified by string.

html tag ("i", "italic text") - Returns <i>italic text</i>.
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
html tag <( string, html attribute list )>Returns an HTML snippet containing a HTML attribute list enclosed in an html tag specified by the string.

html tag ("a", attr lists of ("href", "")) - Returns <a href=""/>.
Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
html tag <( string, html attribute list, html )>Returns an HTML snippet enclosed in a tag specified by the string, modified by the html attribute list and bracketing the html argument.

html tag ( "p", attr list of ( ( "class", "myclass"); ( "align", "left" ) ), html "html <i>snippet</i>" ) - Returns <p class="myclass" align="left">html <i>snippet</i></p>.
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
html tag <( string, html attribute list, string )>Returns an HTML snippet enclosed in a tag specified by the first string, modified by the html attribute list and bracketing the second string argument.

html tag ( "p", attr list of ( ( "class", "myclass"); ( "align", "left" ) ), "formatted text" ) - Returns <p class="myclass" align="left">formatted text</p>.
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
html tag <( string, string )>Returns an HTML snippet containing the second string enclosed in an html tag specified by the first string.

html tag ( "b", "bold text" ) - Returns <b>bold text</b>.
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
<html> as htmlCasts an html string into an html type.

(p of "hello") as html - Returns <p>hello</p>.
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
abbr <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in an <abbr> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.

abbr "title='etcetera'" of "etc." - Returns <abbr title='etcetera'>etc.</abbr>.
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
abbr of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in an <abbr> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
acronym <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in an <acronym> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.

acronym "class='myclass'" of "TLA" - Returns <acronym class='myclass'>TLA</acronym>.
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
acronym of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in an <acronym> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
address <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in an <address> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.

address "class='myclass'" of "John Smith, Chicago, Illinois" - Returns <address class='myclass'>John Smith, Chicago, Illinois</address>.
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
address of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in an <address> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
anchor <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in an <a> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.

anchor "href='mylink'" of "click here" - Returns <a href='mylink'>click here</a>.
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
anchor of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in an <a> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
b <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <b> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
b of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <b> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
base <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <base> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
base of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <base> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
big <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <big> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.

big "class='myclass'" of "important" - Returns <big class='myclass'>important</big>.
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
big of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <big> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
blockquote <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <blockquote> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
blockquote of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <blockquote> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
body <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <body> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.

body "bgcolor='red'" of "my body text" - Returns <body bgcolor='red'>my body text</body>.
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
body of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <body> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
caption <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <caption> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
caption of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <caption> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
cite <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <cite> (citation) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
cite of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <cite> (citation) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
code <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <code> (fixed-width font) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
code of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <code> (fixed-width font) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
col <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <col> (column) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
col of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <col> (column) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
colgroup <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <colgroup> (column group) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
colgroup of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <colgroup> (column group) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
concatenation <html> of <html>This inspector concatenates the html items in the second argument with a separator defined by the first argument.

concatenation ( html "<div class=%22separator%22 />" ) of links of bes fixlets - Returns a list of Fixlet links separated by an HTML <div> statement: <A href="linkid:openfixlet(1,1)">BES Clients in Seat Count Grace Mode</A><div class="separator" /><A href="linkid:openfixlet(1,2">BES Clients Restricted by Seat Count</A>...
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
concatenation <string> of <html>This inspector concatenates the html items in the second argument with a separator defined by the string argument.

concatenation "---" of links of bes fixlets - Returns a list of Fixlet links separated by three dashes: <A href="linkid:openfixlet(1,1)">BES Clients in Seat Count Grace Mode</A>---<A href="linkid:openfixlet(1,2">BES Clients Restricted by Seat Count</A>....
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
concatenation of <html>Concatenates the items in the specified HTML string, end-to-end.

concatenation of links of bes fixlets - Returns a list of links derived from the BES Fixlets, such as <A href="linkid:openfixlet(1,1)">BES Clients in Seat Count Grace Mode</A><A href="linkid:openfixlet(1,2">BES Clients Restricted by Seat Count</A>....
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
dd <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <dd> (definition) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
dd of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <dd> (definition) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
definition list <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <dl> (definition) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
definition list of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <dl> (definition) tag.

definition list of (dt of "hour" & dd of "60 minutes") - Returns <dl><dt>hour</dt><dd>60 minutes</dd></dl>.
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
del <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <del> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
del of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <del> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
dfn <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <dfn> (definition) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
dfn of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <dfn> (definition) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
div <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <div> (division or section) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
div of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <div> (division or section) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
dt <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <dt> (definition) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
dt of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <dt> (definition) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
em <string> of <html>Emphasize the specified HTML code inside an <em string></em> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
em of <html>Emphasize the specified HTML code inside an <em></em> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
h1 <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in an <h1> (header) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
h1 of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in an <h1> (header) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
h2 <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in an <h2> (header) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
h2 of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in an <h2> (header) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
h3 <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in an <h3> (header) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
h3 of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in an <h3> (header) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
h4 <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in an <h4> (header) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
h4 of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in an <h4> (header) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
h5 <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in an <h5> (header) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
h5 of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in an <h5> (header) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
h6 <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in an <h6> (header) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
h6 of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in an <h6> (header) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
head <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <head> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
head of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <head> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
html <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <html> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
html concatenation <string> of <html>Returns an html-formatted concatenation of the specified html segments, embedded in <html attr></html> tags, where the html attribute is specified by the <string>.

html "lang='en-US'" of concatenation of (head of "my head"; body of "my content" ) - Returns: <html lang='en-US'><head>my head</head><body>my content</body></html>.
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
html concatenation of <html>Returns an html-formatted concatenation of the specified html segments.

html concatenation of (head of "my head"; body of "my content" ) - Returns the html snippet: <head>my head</head><body>my content</body>.
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
html of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in an <html> tag.

html of (head of (title of "my title") &"my content") - Returns <html><head><title>my title</title></head>my content</html>.
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
html tag <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a tag specified by the given string.

html tag "i" of html "italic <b>string</b>" - Returns <i>italic <b>string</b></i>.
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
ins <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <ins> (insert) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
ins of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <ins> (insert) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
italic <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <i> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
italic of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <i> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
kbd <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <kbd> (keyboard entry) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
kbd of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <kbd> (keyboard entry) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
li <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <li> (list) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
li of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <li> (list) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
link <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <link> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
link of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <link> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
meta <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <meta> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
meta of <html>Encloses the specified html in a <meta> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
ol <string> of <html>Creates an ordered list out of the <html> with an optional style specified by <string>.

ol "style=square" of (li "class=bold" of "first item" & li "class=bold" of "second item") - Returns <ol style=square><li class=bold>first item</li><li class=bold>second item</li></ol>..
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
ol of <html>Creates an ordered list out of the <html> content.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
ordered list <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in an <ol><li> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
ordered list of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in an <ol><li> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
p <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in an <p> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
p of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in an <p> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
pre <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in an <pre> (preformatted) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
pre of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in an <pre> (preformatted) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
q <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <q> (quotation) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
q of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <q> (quotation) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
samp <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <samp> (sample) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
samp of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <samp> (sample) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
small <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <small> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
small of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <small> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
span <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <span> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
span of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <span> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
strong <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <strong> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
strong of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <strong> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
sub <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <sub> (subscript) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
sub of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <sub> (subscript) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
sup <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <sup> (superscript) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
sup of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <sup> (superscript) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
table <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <table> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
table of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <table> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
tbody <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <tbody> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
tbody of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <tbody> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
td <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <td> (table cell) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
td of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <td> (table cell) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
tfoot <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <tfoot> (table foot) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
tfoot of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <tfoot> (table foot) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
th <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <th> (table header) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
th of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <th> (table header) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
thead <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <thead> (table header) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
thead of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <thead> (table header) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
title <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <title> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
title of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <title> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
tr <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <tr> (table row) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
tr of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <tr> (table row) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
tt <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <tt> (teletype font) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
tt of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <tt> (teletype font) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
ul <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <ul> (unordered list) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
ul of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <ul> (unordered list) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
unordered list <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <ul><li> (unordered list item) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
unordered list of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <ul><li> (unordered list item) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
var <string> of <html>Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <var> (variable type) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
var of <html>Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <var> (variable type) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
<html> & <html>Concatenates two HTML files into a new one.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
<html> & <string>Concatenates a string with an HTML file, returning a new HTML file.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
<string> & <html>Concatenates a string with an HTML file, returning a new HTML file.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<html> & <html><html>Concatenates two HTML files into a new one.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
<html> & <string><html>Concatenates a string with an HTML file, returning a new HTML file.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
<string> & <html><html>Concatenates a string with an HTML file, returning a new HTML file.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<html> as html<html>Casts an html string into an html type.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
<html> as string<string>Casts an html string into a string type.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
abbr <string> of <html><html>

Plural: abbrs
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in an <abbr> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
abbr of <html><html>

Plural: abbrs
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in an <abbr> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
acronym <string> of <html><html>

Plural: acronyms
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in an <acronym> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
acronym of <html><html>

Plural: acronyms
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in an <acronym> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
address <string> of <html><html>

Plural: addresss
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in an <address> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
address of <html><html>

Plural: addresss
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in an <address> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
anchor <string> of <html><html>

Plural: anchors
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in an <a> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
anchor of <html><html>

Plural: anchors
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in an <a> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
b <string> of <html><html>

Plural: bs
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <b> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
b of <html><html>

Plural: bs
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <b> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
base <string> of <html><html>

Plural: bases
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <base> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
base of <html><html>

Plural: bases
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <base> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
big <string> of <html><html>

Plural: bigs
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <big> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
big of <html><html>

Plural: bigs
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <big> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
blockquote <string> of <html><html>

Plural: blockquotes
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <blockquote> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
blockquote of <html><html>

Plural: blockquotes
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <blockquote> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
body <string> of <html><html>

Plural: bodys
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <body> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
body of <html><html>

Plural: bodys
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <body> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
caption <string> of <html><html>

Plural: captions
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <caption> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
caption of <html><html>

Plural: captions
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <caption> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
cite <string> of <html><html>

Plural: cites
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <cite> (citation) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
cite of <html><html>

Plural: cites
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <cite> (citation) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
code <string> of <html><html>

Plural: codes
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <code> (fixed-width font) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
code of <html><html>

Plural: codes
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <code> (fixed-width font) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
col <string> of <html><html>

Plural: cols
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <col> (column) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
col of <html><html>

Plural: cols
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <col> (column) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
colgroup <string> of <html><html>

Plural: colgroups
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <colgroup> (column group) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
colgroup of <html><html>

Plural: colgroups
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <colgroup> (column group) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
concatenation <html> of <html><html>

Plural: concatenations
This inspector concatenates the html items in the second argument with a separator defined by the first argument.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
concatenation <string> of <html><html>

Plural: concatenations
This inspector concatenates the html items in the second argument with a separator defined by the string argument.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
concatenation of <html><html>

Plural: concatenations
Concatenates the items in the specified HTML string, end-to-end.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
dd <string> of <html><html>

Plural: dds
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <dd> (definition) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
dd of <html><html>

Plural: dds
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <dd> (definition) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
definition list <string> of <html><html>

Plural: definition lists
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <dl> (definition) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
definition list of <html><html>

Plural: definition lists
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <dl> (definition) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
del <string> of <html><html>

Plural: dels
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <del> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
del of <html><html>

Plural: dels
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <del> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
dfn <string> of <html><html>

Plural: dfns
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <dfn> (definition) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
dfn of <html><html>

Plural: dfns
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <dfn> (definition) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
div <string> of <html><html>

Plural: divs
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <div> (division or section) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
div of <html><html>

Plural: divs
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <div> (division or section) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
dt <string> of <html><html>

Plural: dts
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <dt> (definition) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
dt of <html><html>

Plural: dts
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <dt> (definition) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
em <string> of <html><html>

Plural: ems
Emphasize the specified HTML code inside an <em string></em> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
em of <html><html>

Plural: ems
Emphasize the specified HTML code inside an <em></em> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
h1 <string> of <html><html>

Plural: h1s
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in an <h1> (header) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
h1 of <html><html>

Plural: h1s
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in an <h1> (header) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
h2 <string> of <html><html>

Plural: h2s
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in an <h2> (header) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
h2 of <html><html>

Plural: h2s
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in an <h2> (header) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
h3 <string> of <html><html>

Plural: h3s
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in an <h3> (header) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
h3 of <html><html>

Plural: h3s
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in an <h3> (header) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
h4 <string> of <html><html>

Plural: h4s
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in an <h4> (header) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
h4 of <html><html>

Plural: h4s
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in an <h4> (header) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
h5 <string> of <html><html>

Plural: h5s
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in an <h5> (header) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
h5 of <html><html>

Plural: h5s
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in an <h5> (header) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
h6 <string> of <html><html>

Plural: h6s
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in an <h6> (header) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
h6 of <html><html>

Plural: h6s
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in an <h6> (header) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
head <string> of <html><html>

Plural: heads
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <head> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
head of <html><html>

Plural: heads
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <head> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
html <string> of <html><html>

Plural: htmls
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <html> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
html concatenation <string> of <html><html>

Plural: html concatenations
Returns an html-formatted concatenation of the specified html segments, embedded in <html attr></html> tags, where the html attribute is specified by the <string>.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
html concatenation of <html><html>

Plural: html concatenations
Returns an html-formatted concatenation of the specified html segments.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
html of <html><html>

Plural: htmls
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in an <html> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
html tag <string> of <html><html>

Plural: html tags
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a tag specified by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
ins <string> of <html><html>

Plural: inss
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <ins> (insert) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
ins of <html><html>

Plural: inss
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <ins> (insert) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
italic <string> of <html><html>

Plural: italics
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <i> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
italic of <html><html>

Plural: italics
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <i> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
kbd <string> of <html><html>

Plural: kbds
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <kbd> (keyboard entry) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
kbd of <html><html>

Plural: kbds
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <kbd> (keyboard entry) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
li <string> of <html><html>

Plural: lis
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <li> (list) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
li of <html><html>

Plural: lis
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <li> (list) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
link <string> of <html><html>

Plural: links
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <link> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
link of <html><html>

Plural: links
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <link> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
meta <string> of <html><html>

Plural: metas
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <meta> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
meta of <html><html>

Plural: metas
Encloses the specified html in a <meta> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
ol <string> of <html><html>

Plural: ols
Creates an ordered list out of the <html> with an optional style specified by <string>.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
ol of <html><html>

Plural: ols
Creates an ordered list out of the <html> content.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
ordered list <string> of <html><html>

Plural: ordered lists
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in an <ol><li> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
ordered list of <html><html>

Plural: ordered lists
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in an <ol><li> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
p <string> of <html><html>

Plural: ps
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in an <p> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
p of <html><html>

Plural: ps
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in an <p> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
pre <string> of <html><html>

Plural: pres
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in an <pre> (preformatted) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
pre of <html><html>

Plural: pres
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in an <pre> (preformatted) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
q <string> of <html><html>

Plural: qs
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <q> (quotation) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
q of <html><html>

Plural: qs
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <q> (quotation) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
samp <string> of <html><html>

Plural: samps
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <samp> (sample) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
samp of <html><html>

Plural: samps
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <samp> (sample) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
small <string> of <html><html>

Plural: smalls
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <small> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
small of <html><html>

Plural: smalls
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <small> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
span <string> of <html><html>

Plural: spans
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <span> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
span of <html><html>

Plural: spans
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <span> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
strong <string> of <html><html>

Plural: strongs
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <strong> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
strong of <html><html>

Plural: strongs
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <strong> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
sub <string> of <html><html>

Plural: subs
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <sub> (subscript) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
sub of <html><html>

Plural: subs
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <sub> (subscript) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
sup <string> of <html><html>

Plural: sups
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <sup> (superscript) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
sup of <html><html>

Plural: sups
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <sup> (superscript) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
table <string> of <html><html>

Plural: tables
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <table> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
table of <html><html>

Plural: tables
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <table> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
tbody <string> of <html><html>

Plural: tbodys
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <tbody> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
tbody of <html><html>

Plural: tbodys
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <tbody> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
td <string> of <html><html>

Plural: tds
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <td> (table cell) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
td of <html><html>

Plural: tds
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <td> (table cell) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
tfoot <string> of <html><html>

Plural: tfoots
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <tfoot> (table foot) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
tfoot of <html><html>

Plural: tfoots
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <tfoot> (table foot) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
th <string> of <html><html>

Plural: ths
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <th> (table header) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
th of <html><html>

Plural: ths
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <th> (table header) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
thead <string> of <html><html>

Plural: theads
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <thead> (table header) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
thead of <html><html>

Plural: theads
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <thead> (table header) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
title <string> of <html><html>

Plural: titles
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <title> tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
title of <html><html>

Plural: titles
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <title> tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
tr <string> of <html><html>

Plural: trs
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <tr> (table row) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
tr of <html><html>

Plural: trs
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <tr> (table row) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
tt <string> of <html><html>

Plural: tts
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <tt> (teletype font) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
tt of <html><html>

Plural: tts
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <tt> (teletype font) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
ul <string> of <html><html>

Plural: uls
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <ul> (unordered list) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
ul of <html><html>

Plural: uls
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <ul> (unordered list) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
unordered list <string> of <html><html>

Plural: unordered lists
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <ul><li> (unordered list item) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
unordered list of <html><html>

Plural: unordered lists
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <ul><li> (unordered list item) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
var <string> of <html><html>

Plural: vars
Returns an HTML snippet with the specified html enclosed in a <var> (variable type) tag and attributes supplied by the given string.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
var of <html><html>

Plural: vars
Returns an HTML snippet containing the specified html enclosed in a <var> (variable type) tag.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1


Format Inspectors make it easier for content authors to create localizable content. Similar in concept to the C printf function, they allow you to embed arguments into a formatting string, which is followed by the argument values themselves. The arguments are numbered and enclosed in curly brackets {0} and the values to be substituted are preceded by a plus sign (+). For example:Q: format "At {1}, user {0} is logged on." + name of current user + nowA: At 9/27/2010 3:03:26 PM, user Scott is logged on.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)